Originally Posted By: bobm
Originally Posted By: Jeff Mackwood

The lack of Zone 2 means only one source can be played at the same time.

The lack of Zone 2 does not mean that you can't drive the same source material to multiple pairs of speakers using a good (but not necessarily expensive) speaker selector switch.

Interesting idea Jeff, for our needs we only need the “same” source played on two sets of speakers. That way when we walk through our first floor the music can be heard at a somewhat consistent and reasonable volume level. I can do this easily with my Yamaha using zone 2 but like you said a decent speaker selection box would work as well.

A few questions:

1) Zone 2 does allow me volume control which is a nice feature which I assume the speaker selection box would not provide.
2) I cringe at creating additional connections between my amp and mains, although this is something I could test.
3) Recommendations for a good speaker selection box?

Thanks for the input,



Google "TC-9 4 Way Stereo Speaker Control" to turn up multiple hits (Amazon.com and eBay) to the unit that I am using. In fact I own two of them: one that's installed in my family room HT as previously described, and another that I pull out and use when doing multiple speaker demos etc.

It's a very rugged little box; very solid. The selector toggles work and feel very high quality. For convenience I wish it had binding post connections instead of spring clips, but given everything else about it (and the typical $35 asking price - or so) it's a small quibble.

It lacks level controls of any type - but again not expected at that price. However I seem to recall seeing models with such controls, from the same company, back when I bought this one, for slightly more coin. I could be mistaken.

Hope that helps.

Jeff Mackwood