Hey Anjora

I do agree with you on 3D which I also do not care for. Where you do say that products being delayed for several years being nothing unusual is one I feel that is going the wrong direction in part of Outlaw for the 978. Competition is strong and technology is changing at a rapid rate. Outlaw has to get off the starting line sometime and their name as a competitor and a leader hangs in the balance.

Please read what Ritz wrote above in which I agreed just below him. Outlaw are delaying themselves into irrelivance on this delay. It shows they are not big enough to tool out a new high quality unit and stay competitive within fast changing technology.

They HAVE to get the 978 out now and quit delaying the project for reasons of perfection. They may be facing a situation in that "They built it and nobody came."
"There is one who comes after me who's sandals I am unworthy to unloose." John the Baptist