Originally Posted By: Ritz2

Times change. There was a time where Outlaw was in front of the pack in terms of features and well out in front in terms of price/performance. That's no longer the case. There are a growing number of competitors in the (Emotiva is frequently mentioned) space that implement the same business model. Design the product using "commodity" components, do what you can to add value with support, and then outsource production to China/Timbuktu/wherever. After seeing the sad/comic Keystone Cops attempt to deliver a successor to the 990 over the past FOUR years, I don't think I would feel comfortable buying something as complex as a theater processor from Outlaw any longer. They clearly have very little control over the process and the management of both process itself and the piss poor management of customer expectations with respect to delivery dates has been a complete joke. That might sound harsh, but let's just call a spade a spade. I find myself wondering if this flailing around is a result of poor capitalization, poor management, or both. Outlaw has ceased to be relevant (at least for me) in the enthusiast home theater market. Sad, but time marches on.....


Unfortunately I must stick my poor neck out and agree with this comment. I love Outlaw and this is a bitter pill to swallow but as Ritz just stated the facts are there. Outlaw has no longer gone into the forefront like it used to. It's either mismanagement and mis-marketing or just quietly riding off into the sunset. The power amps Outlaw sells are still tops with me but no new relevant products and slow on the draw. The 978 will not help Outlaw "catch up" unfortunately.

Yes...Sad but time does march on.
"There is one who comes after me who's sandals I am unworthy to unloose." John the Baptist