Hank, you've forgotten about us Canadian boys north of the 45th parallel eh!

BTW, North America also includes Mexico and if you check on the Outlaw's shopping cart, they ship to Mexico too.
Much repect to our neighbors both north and south. In fact if the weather does not change in Texas, I would be proud to become a Canadian. If I am not mistaken, Hank meant the customers are US as in we the people on this forum and not USA.
I've found Kal's reviews to be honest and informative. It would be good to read what he thinks if he reviews the 978.
MAIN-OPPO BDP-105 directly to Outlaw 7700, PS Audio P3, Axiom M80V3 (front), Axiom M60ti (rear), Axiom OS8V2, Axiom VP180, PS3, Sony SXRD 55 inch monitor
Bedroom-Outlaw RR2150, Rotel RCD 1072, Dana Audio model 1
Blue Jeans connection on both