Boys, what I see here are a bunch of guys wanting to see the 978 released and bought by customers who will then report on performance and any "bugs". After the evaluations are in and performance is good and bugs are nonexistant or minimal, then this bunch will order 978'. The problem with this is that the 'customers' are US. There's no one out there in mass consumer land who will buy a 978 - they don't know that Outlaw Audio exists. It is US who will have to buy and experience the 978's performance and report back here. If you are too leery to buy and want to sit and wait while others test the 978 for you, I think that's a flawed process. Be a bit braver.
Hank, you've forgotten about us Canadian boys north of the 45th parallel eh!

BTW, North America also includes Mexico and if you check on the Outlaw's shopping cart, they ship to Mexico too.
As for reviews, I'm also interested in what the professional reviewers have to say and not only on the opinions of the buyers. I think that websites such as
Audioholics and
Secrets of Home Theater and High Fidelity will probably come out with reviews in a fairly timely manner, specially if the Outlaws send them early evaluation units. When buying gear, I like to take into consideration objective test measurements, not only subjective impressions and these two websites performs test measurements. I also wouldn't be surprised if Kalman Rubinson from Stereophile were to some day review the 978 or the XMC-1 it in his
Music in the Round column. Kalman has a strong interest for reviewing more affordably priced multi-channel AV processors and receivers that include digital room correction; he's also very active on the
AV Science Forum | AMPs, Receivers, and Processors Threads.