I guess it is always driven by "what the masses want". I am 52, and work part time in the music industry so I am at at lot of music events such as SXSW and ACL Festival not to mention nearly 40 years of concert going. I'm not going to claim a golden ear, but I can and do detect a distinct difference in most compressed digital formats vs discs or "coasters" as they referred to by some. If the masses are more concerned with quantity over quality, as it is with so many aspects of our lives (American diet for instance) then it is a very sad day. I remember so fondly buying a new album and pouring over the liner notes and artwork as I listened to the music. My eyes are not good enough to do so with a CD, but at least I have something to hold in my hand. I am NOT thrilled about streaming entertainment data and will be the very last to adopt if forced to. I think of Pink Floyd's "Sheep" when I read stuff like this. Technology is not always going in the right direction folks. Gadgets and features are really nothing more than toys. The audio industry is stuck in this "me too" game trying to outdo or keep up with the other guy and make the "feature creatures" happy. That sucks for us and is a part of why our 978 is so delayed. Really, who need to control their equipment from a friggin' IPhone?
I imagine there will always be media on disc for die hard audiophiles just as vinyl has gained a rebirth for that same audience. At least I hope so.
BTW, please excuse the ranting. I should have had my coffee first.

MAIN-OPPO BDP-105 directly to Outlaw 7700, PS Audio P3, Axiom M80V3 (front), Axiom M60ti (rear), Axiom OS8V2, Axiom VP180, PS3, Sony SXRD 55 inch monitor
Bedroom-Outlaw RR2150, Rotel RCD 1072, Dana Audio model 1
Blue Jeans connection on both