I bought my 7700 in May of last year. When the unit arrived, I couldn't get sound out of it. After much testing on my own, I finally determined that I only had one channel providing amplification to my speakers. I called Outlaw, and within seven minutes of the start of the call, the customer service rep agreed with me, apologized for sending me a bad unit, and said they'd ship me a new one immediately, and all I had to do was box up the lemon and prepare it to leave with the same delivery guy who brought me the new unit.

The second unit arrived a few days later, and I've had no problems at all with it. Works just the way it should, and provides me excellent SQ, whether I'm listening to vinyl in two-channel, or watching a Blu-ray in multichannel.
Outlaw 7700 amp
Integra DHC-80.3 pre-pro
Oppo BDP-105
TiVo XL Premiere
XBox 360

Legacy Whisper XD fronts
Legacy Focus center, sub, surround and surround back
Shunyata Defender conditioner

Parasound Halo JC-1 monoblocks
McIntosh C2500 preamp
E.A.R. 324 phono stage
AMG Viella V12 turntable
Lyra Etna cartridge

Kubala-Sosna Elation interconnects
Kubala-Sosna Elation speaker cable
Shunyata Triton & Typhon power conditioner

A man's reach should always exceed his grasp ... else, what's there a Heaven for?