I remember the speculation about the potential of EQ in the 990 because it was based on the same platform as the Sherwood P-965. It would be interesting to know why the Outlaws either couldn't turn it on or decided not to.

The only upgrade I had always hoped for, which never seemed difficult, is a separate bypass on/off setting for the multichannel analog input. Full digital bass management on the multichannel analog input was a great selling point 7 years ago, because universal DVD players that played SACDs and DVD-As had non-existent, very limited, or inconsistent bass management capabilities. The next pre/pros that could do this were like those from Anthem at 4 to 6 times the cost of the 990. With Blu-ray players like the Oppo BDP-83SE and 95, it would be nice to be able to bypass the 990's bass management for multichannel analog and let the superior digital and analog electronics in the Oppo do what they do. Unfortunately, I still need the 990 to do bass management on most other sources that get played a lot, the cable box, a media player, and a VCR (rarely), and the only way to disable it from the multichannel analog is to make all speakers "large" which disables it for all sources. This is possible to do, but a nuisance every time switching sources.