Thanks for the post. Really, all I was trying to say is what you said at the end of your post, that the unit specs are good enough to sell the unit without the gimmick statement of "future upgradability". Moving on...

Originally Posted By: XenonMan
The lip sync delay is normally needed because audio is decoded much faster than video and tends to lead the video signal thus allowing us to apply a delay to the audio signal is what "syncs" the two. Since it is apparently the video portion that is causing the problem and the 990 does no video processing I would think that the Blu-ray player is the issue. Having a way to tie the audio delay to individual codecs sounds like a good idea but it would eat up too much processor memory. There is no realistic way for Outlaw to bring the 990 into the future but they did include all of the known codecs at the time and provided enough processing to decode them. They also future proofed the 990 by including an analog input from a BDP which allows the newer codecs to be decoded in the BDP and played through the 990. I am not sure how much more they could have done. The firmware version released a few years ago primarily dealt with the way the 990 did bass management and not much more. Most people understood what they were buying when they purchased the 990, a high quality bang for the buck processor with few frills and designed to last through several iterations of HDMI and the new codecs.
Endeavor to persevere,
Mr Freedom

"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."
Woody Allen