No, I don't have any problems that I know about. But if you advertise a unit as a "future forward" component, people do expect to have updates to new technology when possible. I know the HDMI situation isn't possible but I'm sure there are other thing that could be improved. Oppo is good for providing updates even to their discontinued products because that is how they advertised them. If Outlaw advertises this way, they should do the same. That's all I'm saying. I think I mentioned I thought the product was good. It is just in the way that it was advertised that I feel a little misled. Maybe much ado about nothing but I expect what was advertised. And one firmware update in 6 years is not "future forward", IMO.
Endeavor to persevere,
Mr Freedom

"Having sex is like playing bridge. If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand."
Woody Allen