Wow, I hope your child is O.K. Sounds like a fun time in your household. At least you have some wonderful speakers for a 2-channel setup. I really did love the soundstage the Maggies put forth but I know that the store I listened to them in was running them on some very expensive electronics and wire, certainly stuff out of my league.

I just spent some time listening to the Axiom M80's. After some shuffling around I found a pretty nice sweet spot and they sound real nice. I listened to some tracks from the "Best of FourPlay" CD (nicely engineered CD by the way, regardless of what style music you like) and the newly remastered "Bothers in Arms" from Dire Straits. The Axioms do sound nice, very detailed. I'm anxious to see how they'll be with the 7500. I would say they're not quite as smooth as the Maggies (such is the magneplanar design), again more in your face, but not in a bad way. The FourPlay CD was awesome. They handle instruments very nicely. I'm no audiophile so it's hard for me to describe how they sound technically, what they do well and don't do well. I guess part of the problem is that there's really so much good stuff out there it comes down to some very minute differences in sound, some of which may be just be perception on our part. It will be interesting to see how they perform with the 7500's power.