Originally Posted By: bobm
Originally Posted By: jam
Thanks for the upgrade. The odds of the 978 coming out before fall don't look too promising. frown

I agree late summer or early fall considering there are 2-3 months just to get the various certifications and at least another 2 months for bug fixes. Not sure if these can be done concurrently.

I bet one of the new products will be a speaker featuring H-PAS.


Wow....just wow. End of summer or late fall is quite optimistic given what I saw in that update. I think the lesson here is that maybe it is better to keep new projects under wraps until they're finished (or mostly finished). smile Personally, I don't think the 978 is going to be relevant by the time it sees the light of day, but perhaps there are folks that will buy it "just because."

As for the HPAS, that would be interesting. A review I read of the Atlantic product said that it was made in China. Sigh....
