LOL. I suspect their silence being met with apathy and/or more silence is what they're after until they figure out what's going on. smile

To be honest, I just don't see any value being offered by the Outlaw brand anymore. While I'm rooting for them and hope they'll pull a rabbit out of their hat, I'm having trouble visualizing how they'll get there. So what do you do when you own a brand with little perceived value, even from your existing clients? Throw lots of money at it to re-build the brand? Doubtful. Sell it to someone else who can fold it into their own brand(s)...perhaps another D&M Holdings stub? Maybe. Become the next "" and attempt to make a living sifting through products and offering value to customers by distilling things down to product/price mixes from diverse brands that your clients might want? They're almost there now. If they're able to keep inventories at a very low level, it's possible that it isn't costing them much to keep the lights long as they're able to maintain some operating cash flow. But I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for anything "revolutionary" or unique to their brand. That costs money and, as they say, that isn't growing on trees these days. smile

I look forward to seeing "the plan" if/when their management team decides it's time to reveal it to their customer base.
