Originally Posted By: jkvoth
Originally Posted By: udaman
Or maybe Gonk is in audio nirvana and forgot about everyone.

If that was the case then Outlaw would have a pre order page up already. I would bet my bottom dollar they are having some serious issues that they can't figure out and have no idea when and if they will.

Well, Scott went to China a bit over 2 months ago and we still haven't heard a peep. Hopefully, he at least got to catch some fireworks during Chinese New Year. smile

I suspect they'll eventually get around to releasing the product and that it just won't sell in any significant numbers. After 2 Mulligans, I don't think they can afford to whiff the ball again. However, it does make me wonder how they plan to support this product going forward if they can't even get/keep the attention of the Chinese engineers at this stage of the game. Normally, this is the time when the Chinese manufacturer would be all hot and bothered and smell money in the air...eager to please...and all that. Seems like they skipped straight from the honeymoon to mid-life crisis. smile
