Tend to agree that the winged porcine solution would be safer bet than any pipe dream of a "skunk works" 998+ built by hard working Yankees...
It is kinda fun to think that the folks that run Outlaw might have the capability to simultaneously work on multiple efforts to pull an end run around delays with the development of one product by leap frogging it with another offering and also sounding a charge against the global imbalance in trade but that is not realistic. Not enough to staff / hours in the day to that AND:
They still sell a nice selection of high value multi-channel amps that are made in the USA to folks everywhere.
They still sell a fair selection of home theatre oriented speaker systems and subwoofers to folks everywhere.
They still appear to be committed to working through issues that came up in closed beta tests of the 978 BEFORE releasing such units to "actual cash buyers" and suffering the loss of reputation that would have resulted. The appearance and feature set of the 978 may not be "fully buzzword compliant". The trade-offs that go along with having a non-mass market product that exists to satisfy a more specialized group on consumers are different than those trade off that "cost no object" type firms might make. For hard core nationalistic shoppers the decisions about assembly should have excluded from even looking at this product a long long time ago...
They still have staff to fix inadvertently changed links / content on this forum.
They have staff to answer questions sent via email or over the phone.
They seem to be intent on offering packages of their US made amps along with current commercial receivers and pre-pros to US based customers in compliance with those manufacturers' marketing restrictions. That takes staff time to negotiate those deals, update the website, coordinate the shipping and a couple a dozen details in creating the sort of "better than the guys who built it" documentation / user guides...
Good people are easy to burn out.
... Outlaw is about to announced that, yes, they've had a pre-pro in beta... but actually it's the 998! And it's got Trinnov! And Dolby Volume! And it all works!
When pigs fly.