Made by the same people who make the Marantz stuff. I'm trying to hold out for gear that's not made in China.
The 4311CI and A100 are still coming from Japan. The AV7005 has indeed shifted production from Japan to China. A dealer friend of mine said that since the AV7005 is now coming from China, it is only a matter of time before the 4311CI/A100 comes from there too. But since the A100 is an "anniversary" type thing, maybe they will stop production on those entirely before the switch. One reason why I didn't want to wait any longer for the 978: I wanted to make sure I got an A100 from Japan. May not matter for some people, but it matters to me.
The 978 will almost certainly be coming from China.
Almost certainly? Unless I missed something, I could have sworn that I read one of PeterT's comments where he said as much.
At the end of the day, we all need to decide whether or not we're going to continue sending money to a country that is explicitly working against our country's national interests. Higher end audio equipment clearly falls into what I'd call "discretionary spending" and I'd rather funnel those dollars to companies and people that are more focused on the bigger picture, even if that means I need to spend a little more. Sending money to a company who then sends some of it to an "enemy" to make/keep short-term profits at the expense of the very people who they would call their "family" and their customers strikes me as a bit odd. But perhaps I'm just old fashioned that way. I wouldn't buy any Emotiva gear for the same reason.
Edit: Outlaw/ATI amps are another matter. They're made in the USA.
