I remember when the new pre-pro was discussed 2-3 years ago

Indeed. What I can't quite fathom is how Outlaw manages to keep the lights on. There can't be much profit in reselling Chinese-assembled electronics for D&M Holdings (the owners of Marantz/Denon/Snell(which they just gutted)/etc...fortunately they haven't gutted McIntosh yet). There is virtually no activity on these forums anymore and much of it revolves around speculation concerning product delays.

So while I see the occasional "announcement," actual new product deliveries have been few and far between and delivery dates are often vaguely hinted at...and missed. That's pretty much been the case for a couple of years now.
How does a small niche player even have a chance in this software driven home theater landscape we find ourselves in? It's sad, but time (and the world) marches on.
