Yamaha is the only one I'm familiar with that puts you in a constant size room. Sony I'm not so sure. Didn even know that it had any type of system.

So the reviewers of the DSX and DSX itself are lying about what it does? It might of been in my head but I assumed what I heard was this effect after I read about it. You really aren't supposed to notice this. Your brain naturally does this in every room we ever enter with out us being drawn to its effect. It's something we are supposed to just process naturally and after we can be like wow this really feels like I'm in a large room or I feel like I'm in a small room. Not having you attention drawn to the reflections as f they are bothersome. I really just want more qualified people who have had this experience with DSX to take over for me whether I'm wrong or right. Not you who has no experience with it and discredits everything it claims to be able to do without anything but your logic that I believe is flawed unless I'm having a huge brain fart.
Paradigm CC-690 V4, pair Studio 100's V4, pair Studio 40's V4, pair ADP-590's, 2 pair Studio Esprit V4, and Velodyne SPL-1500r. Marantz SR8002. PS3. DirecTV HD. Pioneer Kuro 60" 1080p plasma.