Ok. I appreciate you getting me up to date with the information you were presented with.

"I have no problem playing back a 7.1 soundtrack over 11 speakers by extracting content from the soundtrack to feed the additional speakers, what I do mind is adding reverb and early reflection to the soundtrack that where never there originally." This is a quote from you earlier on this forum and from quickly going over what Chris wrote back for you he is quick to tell you DSX is not about adding reverb.

About Chris being ambiguous about how it works I don't necessarily know that this is as much true but possible. He is surely not ambiguous about DSX's capabilities now. I'll review the forum thoroughly as soon as I have time. I have told you again and again how your sound stage is able to be made smaller with the speaker timing and you still think that it can not be achieved to sound smaller than your listening room. This can be done because the time that the sound from the two wide channels L/R or L/R height channels can arrive to the listener at any time in reference to the L/R (Center is not involved. Thanks for clearing that up for me). I have a hard time understanding why this is difficult to grasp. The less time between first reflections the smaller the room. Is there really a logical reason why the wide speaker can't be played to signal a wall closer than even the speaker actually is or would I just have to calibrate it with the speaker closer? Are you sure you just didn't understand what was being said by Chris. But I am sorry to ream you if you were trying to give me an honest assessment of what was said.

Actually I never stated that they didn't compliment eachother. You stated Trinnov complements my room more than saving money and using XT32 and building room treatments because I don't need to remap my speakers. Kinda sounds like you are the one downplaying the importance of room treatments. Any-who if I was bill gates I would design a perfect room with room treatments and have very little use for an eq because a perfect room with sound treatments is superior to a non perfect room that has to be adjusted for. But I'm not bill gates and using both will provide great sound and be much more affordable.

"Audyssey knows the size of the area that is being "shown on the screen"? " Yes usually because a good soundtrack has this information already in it that Audyssey picks up on through algorithms. I know that was meant to be a smart al-lick remark by you but usually the movie is filmed at the location of the original audio recording which has this information.

"I said they used a different approach. Where did I say it was "better". In fact, I specifically said "Whether it is "better" or not is up to each listener. I don't decide that for other people."" Very untrue. This is what you said about 11 channel playback with DSX versus Neo:X not about Trinnov and XT32. It is very obvious this is not what you want to have to say about Trinnov by what you have stated in the past.

Listen. Personal attacks are not great but I have a hard time believing your intentions are noble when you time and time again throw out false information and put words in my mouth that aren't what was said at all. I have tried to give everyone the truth and nothing but the truth. If I'm not sure I try and make sure everyone knows that. You can't honestly believe people won't read misinformation after misinformation from you if they read all the information that was presented by us.
Paradigm CC-690 V4, pair Studio 100's V4, pair Studio 40's V4, pair ADP-590's, 2 pair Studio Esprit V4, and Velodyne SPL-1500r. Marantz SR8002. PS3. DirecTV HD. Pioneer Kuro 60" 1080p plasma.