I don't see why having Trinnov and not needing Audyssey is any more valid than having audyssey and not needing Trinnov if you have proper speaker placement, so I don't think you understand what I'm saying. Trinnov's main asset over Audyssey is 3d remapping. You are confused because you think this means I'm not aware of Trinnov's other functions. I would rather have a system with audyssey xt32 if that means I can have their DSX. If outlaw was to offer DSX and Trinnov without xt32 I might be on board for that.

Room treatments are still superior to having to adjust the equalizer for any rooms deficiencies or problems. Anyone who tells you different is selling you something. Early reflections will always occur without sound dampeners at the reflection points. Bass will never be as tight without bass treatments. Sound will never be as diffuse without sound diffusers.

Even movies stated as 7.1 are often matrixed themselves. How many of those movies create the two additional channels from scratch without matrix?

Funny I was going to even mention neo x and yes I'm aware of the difference. You talk about it as if it's a better concept than DSX. DSX is trying to give you more not just by adding ambient noices to more speakers around the room. This I have heard doesn't improve the sound very much.

I think you are really misunderstanding DSX. If you are in space on say aliens you should have no early reflections present at all from the decoding. It isn't designed to make your listening room sound larger. In fact often it is meant to make it sound smaller if the film was recorded in a small room. The created reflections are even supposed to be non existent like you say in the jungle. The reflections are created from the original content. It was never intended to create the same reflections without taking into account the size of area it is supposed to reproduce. Also it is impossible for 3 speakers in the front to create this effect as intended so I don't know why you would ever say sound mixers can do this if they would like.

Your confusing PLIIz with only matrixing capabilities. Unless I've been duped by the people who work with Dolby they can make PLIIz encoded games. This is considered discrete directional information.
Paradigm CC-690 V4, pair Studio 100's V4, pair Studio 40's V4, pair ADP-590's, 2 pair Studio Esprit V4, and Velodyne SPL-1500r. Marantz SR8002. PS3. DirecTV HD. Pioneer Kuro 60" 1080p plasma.