Got the link and did some more experimenting but still no luck.
I went into the Onkyo and turned off the digital audio input (was set to HDMI) and put the multi ch audio input to DVR (which is where the HDMI video signal is set to on the Onkyo) and I got video but no audio.
I tried other settings in the Oppo setup (HATE the Oppo remote; gotta push slow and hard) and tried different settings but no luck.
As I write this, I am listening to Pink Floyd DSOM in SACD via HDMI.

I am going to connect just the L and R (from the 8 RCA connection side) to the Aux 1 and listen to a few nice sounding CDs and try to do sme A/B comaprison to my 20 year old Denon DCD-1500 CD player.
Panasonic TC-P65S1 65" Plasma HDTV, Marantz AV 8801 Preamp, Outlaw 7700 Amp, Klipsch RF7 (X-over dean G modded) RC7 (X-over Dean G modded) RS7 CDT-5800C speakers, Outlaw LFM1 EX Subwoofer, Oppo BDP-93, B & O Turntable, Toshiba HD-A2, Sony CD & DVD 400 disc jukeboxes, DirecTV HD-DVR, PS2, PS3, Wii, Harmony one remote, Monster PowerBar 1200 for the TV, sub, PS3, HD DVD and Wii, Tripp Lite Isolation Bar for the Amp, Pre-Amp and other sources.