Try this for fun.
Total layperson adding to Gonks great reply.
Complained to husband what a HUGH muck the wire decision was and mentioned the funny Blind test results occasionlly posted on web which fooled experts.
Bored one night, to see if all hype or no. In a unscientific kind of Mutt & Jeff way, we grabbed every bit of misc. wire we had on hand including zip, straight coax, wire off misc. Speaker systems around, etc. Took turns changing wires 2 speakers without the other seeing.
. Mind we were not comparing quality wire scraps of possible buys, -just wire in general, can it effect.
Definite difference to us.
Convinced me enough I went with basic decent/respected Kimber Kable 4VS & 8VS.
If you look to buy either Kimber or Silver Sonic wire go to out of CO. Complete line of both products. The bulk (non-terminated) price is very good, I could have puchased 4TC/8TC (more expensive) for effectively the same price I paid in town for the VS after factoring bulk order discount/no tax etc. Live and Learn.