It has to be - that is the way effective bass management needs to work. The signals need to be redirected to different channels before you add the delay, otherwise your subwoofer signal gets a mix of delays and the output is "smeared" (for lack of a better term).
That certainly makes sense.
Oppo BD83SE
Pioneer Elite DV-47A
Magnavox HDMR513h DVR/DVD-R
Sony DVD megachangers-2
Sony CD megachangers-2
Monster power centers-2
Sony 48" rear projection SDTV
Roku video player
JVC AL-A158 Turntable
Polk RT-2000s,CS-650,XS-650s,RT80s
Hsu VTF-1
12" Velodyne
Family room:
OPPO 970
Sony 32" direct view HDTV
Denon 3801
Rolk RMs