Thanks, gonk and KOYAAN. I have another option, to connect both the Outlaw preouts and the NAD preamp outputs to a switch, then to the Parasound amp. That would shorten the signal path from the phono a bit, but I would also lose the remote volume control of the Outlaw.

My System:
[size:8pt]Outlaw Model 1050 AVR
Parasound HCA1000A Power Amplifier
Fronts: Polk Audio Monitor 10B
Surrounds: Polk Audio Monitor 10A
Turntable: Technics SL-1710mk2 + KLH Burwen Transient Noise Eliminator
Preampifier: NAD 106
Blu-Ray: Panasonic DMP-BD85
LCD: Sharp Aquos 37"
MacBook Pro for iTunes