Thanks Gonk. I agree about not adding an amp to the Onkyo because it acts so strangely. I doubt it would be worth it. Next time I will get the extended warranty.

Downstairs, I have the Sony TV, blu-ray player, cable box and amp all going into the 990s DVI inputs (outputs?). I have the cables that are HDMI on one side and DVI on the other. Initially, I ran the TV to the 990 from HDMI 1 but moved it to HDMI 2 when 1 stopped working. Now I cannot see an image on the TV when I start everything up although I can hear sound. I have to change the inputs from HDMI 2 to HDMI 3 on the TV (using the TV remote) and then back to HDMI 2. Then it works and I can see an image. I figure that 2 will go out on me just like 1 did. I really only need one HDMI input to work. Since I have one left, I guess it's okay. Can you replace them? It's an older rear projection TV but it's nice.

I appreciate the feedback. Sounds like an SR5005 is in my future!