I must agree with Tek. I started looking around last year at DLP and once I got past the animation that stores love to use to showoff their big screens, I realized that as nice and brilliant as the pictures were, that none of them (at least in my price range) seemed to produce colors in a realistic fashion, especially dark shades, which all seemed to somewhat run together. I started looking at CRT based RPTV's and was very surprised at the detail, the depth and richness of the colors, and the overall quality of the picture. I was never a proponent of RPTV, in fact I had pretty much dismissed it based on those I had seen over the years, but the new HD sets just blew me away. Since space was not a concern for me, and the CRT RPTV's picture was at least as good as the new DLP's I had seen, it came down to do I want a larger screen using old technology for less money, or do I want a smaller screen for more money but with the new technology. I ended up getting a 65" CRT based RPTV for cheap (relatively) and I am extremely satisfied. True, the thing is huge and heavy and the off axis vewing isn't as good as the new stuff, but watching movies and especially High Def is just phenomenal.