Okay guys, I finally had my Inception movie night tonight.

While I was watching the pro bowl, I got things set up, wired up the sub, broke out my brand new trusty rat shack spl meter, and calibrated things. For tonight, I put the M8 toward the back of the room since that was the most convenient location for today. As I ran the test tones, the sub made a nice, warm rumble/hum, and I was ready for movie time.

About five minutes into the movie, this sub was kicking so much you know what in my apartment that I had to start turning down the gain (I started with the gain at the 1/2 way point). We watched another ten mins until this one scene came on where the LFE was constant and pretty intense for several minutes. It was at that point when I aborted the mission for tonight since it's a Sunday around 11pm, and I didn't want to take the chance with the neighbors lol. Scott told me that this little guy was powerful, but I honestly didn't expect this much kick from an 8" driver in a <$300 subwoofer.

I decided this would be a good time to order an Auralex subdude, cause I know others who have used them with their subs and it really helped to reduce vibrations. The M8 was pretty tight and not bloated and boomy at all, but there's no way that the folks downstairs escaped that one scene without wondering wtf was going on lol. I'm also going to move the sub near an outside wall, and that combined with the isolation platform should allow me to run the LFE channel again.

Just so you guys don't think I'm a sub newbie who doesn't know what real subs can do, my last sub was widely considered one of the best on the market - an SVS PB13 Ultra. My apartment is a fairly decent size, and one of these guys was more than enough bass for me. The main living area of my apt is like a 30'x16' rectangle, with a half wall/entertainment wall extending across the room and sort of splits it in half. The side of that rectangle where I have my HT is about 18x15 with 9' ceilings.

This sub is a winner, especially for the price.
My Outlaw Journey:
1050 Receiver (2002-2004)
M200 Monoblocks x7 (2003-2008)
7075 Amp
950 PrePro (2003-2010)
975 PrePro (2012-Present)
Outlaw ICs (2003-Present)
M8 Subwoofer (2011-Present)