Is this issue with all of your sources or just one? If only on one source, then isolate the issue to it. If it occurs on all of the inputs make sure your interconnects and speakers wires are separated from your power cables by at least a few inches. If that doesn't fix the issue then:

Swap a few of your cables between speakers and see if the static follows the cables you changed. If it does the speakers are fine,and the problem lies upstream. If it remains on those two speakers then check their connections to make sure they are clean and tight.

If the problem is upstream, put all back to normal and then swap the interconnects to the amp. If the problem follows the swap, the issue is still upstream. If it doesn't the amp is the issue. Check to make sure all of its connections are clean, tight and clear of any stray wiring. If the problem remains on those two channels, then the AVM-20 is the source. Check all of its outputs to make sure they are clean, tight and clear of any stray wires.
Music system
Model 990/7500/Magnepan 1.6 QRs/Technics SL1200 MK2/Aperion S-12 Subwoofer/OWA3/Sony NS75H DVD
APC H15 Power Conditioner

TV System
Large Advent Loudspeakers/ Polk center/Monoprice surrounds/Panasonic Viera 42 inch/Onkyo HT-RC260/Sony BDP S590/Directv

Home Theater System
Onkyo PR-SC886/Outlaw 7125 Klipsch RF-82 L/R,RC-62 center, RB-35 SR/SL, BENQ HT1075, Outlaw LFM1-EX/OPPO BDP-83/Directv
Harmony ONE
Blue Jeans and Monoprice interconnects
APC H15 Power Conditioner