Originally Posted By: rubbersoul
In your opinion which room correction technology is better than the other...Audyssey or Trinnov)?
Never compared the two head to head, with ALL other variables remaining constant, so I couldn't say.

I have heard the Trinnov, but that was their ($13k-$18k?) professional unit in a large home theatre that already sounded good (designed & tuned by Keith Yates). One of the impressive aspects of Trinnov is that it can tell you where your speakers are (distance, angle, elevation) with surprising precision. This allows it to compensate for imperfect layouts with their re-mapping feature. But how much of the technology from the professional Trinnov unit will make it into the 998 is anybody's guess at the moment.

By comparison, I've only heard Audyssey in non-professional installs. A couple of member of my local Los Angeles area HT group recently bought pre-pros/receivers with the latest version of Audyssey: MultEQxt32. The results in both cases were impressive, especially the smoothness and consistency of the bass (both set-ups are running dual subs, which the new Audyssey is particularly well suited for). If the 978 has MultEQxt32 and supports two subwoofers, then Outlaw will have a winner on their hands, even before introducing the 998.
Originally Posted By: rubbersoul
People on this forum seem to be rallying towards the Trinnov.
But that's based on what Outlaw likes (their fans follow), not any sort of A/B comparison. Once both units are out, people will be able to get a better idea of how the two room correction technologies compare.