I'm using the OAW 3 for a second room/zone 2 set-up. I'm very impressed and satisfied with the quality of the sound. Though the two rooms have a different receiver, using the same speakers for two-channel in both rooms they're very similar sounding. While playing the same CD on the Blu-ray player in room 2 sounds noticeably better, I'm still impressed with the wireless sound coming from the CD changer in room 1 through the OAW 3. It's also really hard to tell if there is an audible delay between the two systems when listing to them at the same time. The two receivers are approx. 30 feet apart, with the signal running through two interior walls yet I've not noticed any interference for the couple of hours I've listen to music through the OAW 3.

interesting side note: We also have a treadmill in room 2 and a day or two before the OAW 3 was announced I was thinking how I'd like to play music from the CD changer in that room, but I had no intentions of trying to run a wire from one system to the other. I have no need to do so now.