While Oppo gets nice remarks about packaging I must say its on par with the machines of the past but not as good as Outlaw. They should double box the unit.
I've wondered about the merit of double-boxing their players in the past, but so far their players have all traveled well in single boxes with the dense foam caps they use. I've taken delivery of their players (travel from San Francisco to Memphis) a
lot of times while beta testing - easily over a dozen deliveries when you consider hardware changes during testing - and never had an issue. I think one advantage they've had over Outlaw is weight: none of their DVD players were over 10 pounds and their Blu-ray players are not much heavier, while Outlaw ships subs, amps, speakers, receivers, and processors that are larger and heavier - they
need the extra layer of cardboard to survive transit. The BDP-95 is the first OPPO player I've encountered that starts to be heavy enough to make me wonder about double-boxing.