Originally Posted By: BrentG
The AV7005 doesn't support DSD. This is a deal killer for me. Outlaw, I hope you're listening...

Originally Posted By: skiman
Gonk makes an excellent summary of the tradeoffs involved with streaming DSD. It seems to me, however, that a processor that can accept DSD could let the user compare direct DSD streaming vs. PCM (and the post processing features) and decide which they prefer. Personally, I want this ability.

I was always under the impression that a key point for DSD (per the format advocates) was that unlike PCM, the 1-bit nature of the DAC ensures monotonicity and linearity over the entire dynamic range--in other words superb analog sound without requiring extreme chip precision. If that is at all true, then the analog sound from any competent DSD player ought to be so close to SOTA that it would be meaningless to seek an alternative DAC, such as inside the pre-pro, which is in contrast to the case for PCM, where the DAC (chip + I-V converter + reconstruction filters) plays a much more significant role in the sonic outcome. All the pre-pro needs for DSD is a clean, direct analog path into the volume control, and that is dead easy to do.

Based on this, Brent, I cannot understand your deal-killing stance, and Skiman, it is already possible for you to make exactly the comparison you want to do between DSD and PCM, simply by selecting the player's analog outputs.

Edited by srrndhound (10/27/10 04:17 PM)
Edit Reason: typo