I am very disappointed with the wait for a new pre pro. My 990 died tonight and I was hoping to replace it in February of 2010! I watched a movie this afternoon and it was working fine but tonight she just won't start. I hit the on button, the blue light comes on, a couple of relays click and she just shuts off. There is no 990 forum that I see so I am posting here for ideas. I unplugged her and let her sit but nothing. It is not overheated. I really wish we had some news of a future product but as it stands I may just give up on an outlaw product. A nice inexpensive Yamaha receiver might be a better alternative. This is just poor timing.. Sigh, it is still under warranty as I got her in Feb of 06. The question becomes is it really worth getting it fixed when a 400 receiver gives you pre outs with all the new codec's? So you can all wax poetic about Outlaw being the greatest but I am not seeing that right now. This place is far more quiet then when I used to poke around in 06.. Looks like they are losing fans.