I hope I don’t regret posting this…..

As is obvious by my post count, I am not a regular contributor to this forum, but I am a regular reader/visitor.
In defense of Outlaw : the 998 is a new product and I am unaware of any delays in its release since its announcement. That’s if you don’t see it as the same project as the 997, which was scrapped entirely. I believe Outlaw when they say the 998 is an entirely new product, and as such, is being developed from the ground up largely in-house.
However, that’s about the only slack I can cut them.
Peter T…I am a card carrying, banner waiving fan of Outlaw Audio. I have recommended your products to family and friends who are equally as enthusiastic about your past products. Frankly, however, I find myself increasingly frustrated and discouraged at the complete lack of new, innovative, fair priced, mid level audio components from Outlaw.
If I want mass produced, over priced, under achieving products like Marantz, Denon, etc. I’ll go to Best Buy. We as audio consumers have a vast array of choices when it comes to speakers, subs, DVD players, displays, furniture, ipod accessories, cables, etc. If what is being beta tested is any of those things, big deal. It will only add to an already long list of what we already have to choose from. It will not be “as important as a new processor” for those of us waiting for a new processor.
What many of us do lack is a pre-pro with the features and quality at a price point that Outlaw is known for.
Clearly, this is a huge undertaking as is evidenced by a void in this area. And not only by Outlaw. The audio industry is littered with failed attempts (Sherwood), abandoned attempts (Parasound), and some limited successes that you will pay dearly for (Anthem). It must be wildly difficult to get this right.
Has our desire for features and capabilities gone beyond our technological ability to produce them? If that’s the case, then that is what we should be told.
Oppo unveiled their new DVD player at CEDIA with a release scheduled for November. That’s reasonable. 5 years for a new pre-pro with no end in sight? That’s unreasonable.
And, as I’ve learned from visiting the Saloon for many years, “we will have an update for you in the next few weeks” means an update by Christmas, not a product.