Originally posted by curegeorg:
rears in the ceiling is a bad idea.

Opinion or first hand experience?

ear level is always best,

Hmm...most surround speaker placement recommendations I've seen suggest a higher placement, not on the ceiling but towards it, much like in the cinema. I suppose you could argue that with the advent of discrete surround channels monopole speakers at ear level might be more effective versus the diffuse surround field generated by derived surround information and presented by dipole speakers (above ear level). It all comes down to how well you want to localize the direction or source of the sounds produced.

and until they come out with a channel that is supposed to be in the ceiling or floor, the effects do not sound right coming from above (below either) or reflecting off of another wall.

In a previous life (around '80) I was using a home-brew version of the Hafler Dyna-quad surround system. I did alot of experimenting with speaker placement at that time, many times unconventional or down right wacky. One of the most effective setups used a single large floor standing speaker right behind my listening chair aimed away from me towards the rear wall which was about 6' away. The reflections off the back wall made the extracted ambient information more enveloping and added some needed time delay.

many reasons why, so little time to explain them all! :-)
