Originally posted by curegeorg:
7.1 IS primarily for larger listening areas (typically meaning larger rooms)
What does room size have to do with 7.1 set-ups? Roughly how big does a room have to be before you can start considering 7.1?
is not significantly different than 6.1.
The difference is significant, as I explained above. I guess you don't think there's a significant difference between "sucks" and "preferred", which is how you yourself described 6.1 and 7.1 respectively.

BTW, companies that historically have been on the cutting edge of surround sound (Meridian, Lexicon, Fosgate) have built their surround processing technologies around a 7.1 set-up, not 6.1. They all wouldn't have done that if the difference wasn't significant.

Anyway, I guess it doesn't leave much in my original post for you to agree with.
