When it comes to hi fi, the gap between men and women is like the gap between youth and seasoned citizens.

WAF "wife acceptance factor" has been dwindling over the years. The best a guy can hope for is a man-cave for audio, or a seriously accepting spouse.

Men want functionality, women, decor. While a man's true audio love may be klipschhorns or la scalas, a WAF trims that down to heresy's or maybe some piffling Bose cube system. There is just no explaining the benefits when they see the stuff as visually intrusive. Compromise is made...sacrificing quality for appearance,,,or lack therof.

Some guys just get nice headphones and be done with it. That represents little compromise.

"My wife is a 3rd channel in my 2 channel system."

Edited by refurb (06/21/10 08:29 PM)