The part that compounds the confusion is not just the insane price tag for components, "magic" speaker cables and the like: All too often I have read assertions that "This is the sound I am after...nothing compares...etc" and then 6 months later, it's something else. And again....and again. Meanwhile: music lovers may still have those 80's Ar acoustic suspension speakers, quads, Infinity reference, Klipsch, Polk etc. When you say "I have found *the* sound, KEEPING the system speaks louder than declarative statements. I have been accused of living in the past (80's specifically) but I liked the era of analog listening before the over-the-top prices and hyperbole. I have seen people come full circle. They start with something like Klipsch Heresy's, move on to umpteen expensive boutique systems and finally end up with a set amp and some Klipsch. (or insert your favorite modestly priced speakers here).

Edited by refurb (06/18/10 06:42 PM)