Another very informative post!

So Firewire is NOT just a way to save on a little cable cluster. It is going to be a whole new way for components to interface with each other. I see.

It sounds like FireWire is at least a year or so in the future, is that a correct statement?

So, in the system of the future, you would probably only have one firewire connection to any other component.

THX-I always thought that THX was JUST certification. I remember that in years past, there were some "THX certified" receivers that people questioned, as the receiver seemed to be pretty wimpy, then there were some mamoth recievers that DID NOT get certification.

I remember when researching my last receiver, DTS SEEMED to be on the way out. There was only 17 movies at that actually had DTS when I bought my receiver, and the general thought was that it was going to fade out, and DD was going to be the de facto standard, and things changed after I bought my receiver, and big movies started coming out with DD versions, and DTS versions.

I've got a lot to think about.

Thanks again.