Gonk, thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it. The only problems that I see are (i) I have 4 speaker wires now (which will be uped to 8 in the future) that I need to intercept so it makes it a little more complicated, and (ii) by intercepting the speaker wires the amplifier will always be powered on as it will be receiving a signal even if the speaker is muted. In any event, I will definitely look into it.
Outlaw 990/7700/2200(2)
NHT M6(3)/L5(4)/U2(2)/A1(2)/X1
Samsung LN-T5265F(LCD)/BD-P1200 (BluRay)
Apple TV w/750 gb HD music server
Universal MX-810
Scientific Atlanta 8300HD DVR
Blue Jeans Cables