FWIW mine is on its way to Massachusetts. But I did have issues with mine if the signal would drop momentarily. For example when I opened my audio editing software it always cause a millisecond drop in signal and the 970 would loose audio, while the Denon upstairs would not. Also if i had music already playing upstairs and then turned on the 970 mid song it wouldnt lock on at all until i cycled the unit, and then I had music. To me all this was annoying but not that big a deal as long as after a quick fix I was rocking out.
Coincidentally I have a show to record tonight and am dreading trying to work with the audio tomorrow. Ive never been a fan of using cans in audio mixing, they make everything better than it is on a real playback system, which leads to mixes that dont sound like I intended them....oh I miss my 970 already....whoa is me. :^P