With cable,sat, and wireless companys all for this- I now think it will happen. All the lobbyists will "buy" the votes they need. So I guess there is no reason to whine about it. I quit Directv a few months ago because To go to high dey my bill would jump $35. Why we mindlessly throw our money to them is wierd. Out of 200 channels we watch about 16 or 20. Yet we pay for infomercial channels and many others we never watch. How many re-runs of law and order can we take. They raise your bills and we blindly write the big check to keep feeding the monolith. I wonder at the big board meetings how hard they laugh at us viewers... "Lets add 50 more commercial channels and charge $50 more.. HA HA HA HA" and we bend over and smile real big as they give it to us.