Originally posted by gonk:
Your earlier pic was of the "PR-SC886 MMP" and the picture above is of the "PR-SC886 MDD" - no idea what the difference is, but I think the "MDD" with the Sirius, XM, and AC outlet is the unit that is actually being sold in this market. The "MPP" may be a separate offering for markets that don't have Sirius or XM. (Southern hemisphere perhaps?)
Can anyone that owns one verify it for sure? If so, I am probably just getting the 886. I've had my eye on the Integra 9.9 ever since the 997 was announced (it was probably the 9.8 back then). There's not much point in waiting anymore. If the reviews are great on the 997 when it comes out, I can always upgrade again and sell the 950 I guess.