The reason that you are not hearing anything from us is that we have nothing new to report.

For the record, we have communicated our initial findings on the 997 hardware and firmware back to the factory. However, we cannot go any further until Sherwood Newcastle completes their own software for the 972 receiver and that final unit enters general release.

As you have might have read on other forums, there are reports on a handful of 972's out there. However, none of them contains completed software, especially involving Trinnov room correction.

We have been told that Newcastle is getting close to a final release. Until that occurs, we remain "on-hold" to continue our own testing. (Since the 997 is a processor it is different in some respects from the 972 and each of those differences must be vetted in a variety of set-ups.)

We understand everyone’s frustration. However, in this case, further progress on completing the 997 is in the hands of Inkel,(Newcastle’s factory.) You can be assured that when we have more to report on a reliable production date, we will communicate that to everyone in a timely manner.
