Originally posted by BloggingITGuy:
Like I said, if you buy a preamp based on those features, you get what you deserve.
I don't recall saying I would base my purchasing decision on any one or multiple features. I'm going to wait for the 997 to be released and read some reviews and earlier adopter feedback. However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't mind that particular feature being added.

I understand your whole issue about being as simple as possible or stripped down to just incorporate necessary features versus unnecessary - wherever you draw the line. I just think there's room for both and we definitely don't see eye to eye, but I do get where you're coming from.

As for 9.2, it's definitely not necessary for me, as I have a good setup and built my own credenza that has everything at the proper height, but some other people may want it and really appreciate it and therefore I see no reason to deny them of that luxury.