According to an AVS forum users thread for the R-972 it looks like these models are coming out with functionality bugs that still need to be worked out. Risk of being a 1st release adopter? Maybe, but after putting out that kind of money to have it still have functionality issues is gotta be really frustrating.
Maybe in addition to working out software issues this situation might help S/N to better handle new product release procedures.
But then I'm not particularly used to waiting for new home theater products like this model and the 997 to be released in this fashion, so maybe this is a fairly standard situation. Someone on the thread also mentions a previous S/N model having bugs worked out after users have purchased them. I am aware that these products aren't going to be perfect, hence the USB and/or RS-232 ports built into the back of them, but it sounds like the R-972 is really buggy at the moment. Not sure that's the best condition to sell a new product when first impression, it seems, might make a significant difference in the success of a product.
It also makes me glad that Outlaw doesn't plan to release the 997 until it's good and ready.
And that concludes my random rambling for the day; thanks for listening.