Originally posted by AGAssarsson:
Would you suggest the DAC1 for those who have very high quality speakers, and associated solid state components for two channel? Is there an argument for more than one unit, as they are only a half rack space in width?

If so, would I run a digital PCM two channel signal via coax from a CD/DVD Player such as a Panasonic RP91 to the DAC1?

It stands to reason that if you're using high quality components in your playback chain; an outboard DAC such as the DAC1 could serve you nicely. Your system would be able to bring out the subtle details that a higher quality DAC can reveal.

The DAC1 is made as a stereo device. If your just connecting it to your transport (in this case your RP-91) via a digital connection, than all you need is one. Taking the analog output of the DAC1 and connecting it into the direct inputs of your 950 would be the proper connection method. The DAC1 can also function as a pre-amp if you want to hook it up directly to amps.

Note: Benchmark recently raised the price of the DAC1. It's still a good deal at the new price but it is a little more expensive.