I agree with virtually all of what has been posted. For an additional thousand bucks you probably can't improve your speaker situation all that much, though speakers clearly have the greatest impact on the listening experience.

Have you thoroughly investigated room placement, listening locations, sound treatments and the like? And can you say to yourself just what it is that you don't like about your current setup? If you can't then shopping for upgrades is going to be more difficult since you will have to perambulate from venue to venue trying to hear whatever it is that you feel is missing at home.

As to better DACs, you can certainly try them but unless you do a blind A-B comparison and can consistently identify the better ones then I'm betting you won't hear any difference at all in your room at home.

To tell the truth, when I start feeling that something is "missing" it often means that I am just hungry for an upgrade of some sort...any sort. That's just a symptom of audiophilitis and you'll probably be afflicted with it all your life.


The Nice Guy with the Good Ears.
"The human capacity for self-delusion is nearly boundless."
The Nice Guy with the Good Ears.
"The human capacity for self-delusion is nearly boundless."