XenonMan, I have a pair of Maggie 1.6QR's which are driven by a 990. The power amp was an Adcom GFA535 (100 watts/channel into 4 ohms and very good sound) but is now a pair of nOrh Le Amp II monoblocks (rated at 400w into 4 ohms) with a Yaqin tube buffer between the 990 and the amps. I think the sound is marvelous. Currently there is no surround gear and the 990 runs in stereo. But a couple of years ago we played the DVD of "Monsters Inc" (using the Adcom amp at the time and no buffer) and there was unmistakable surround sound, with both effects and voices coming from behind us, where there were no speakers. Illusion certainly, but a pretty convincing one to both my wife and me. There have been similar experiences with other material, but none as surprising as that.
So do the Maggies have surround capability? Yes indeed, even all by themselves.