Originally posted by gonk:
On the other side, how long ago was the hardware for the R-972 finalized enough to make adding two more analog channels (or adding hardware to integrate a second zone into the main system) practical?
Good question. I should drop into the Sherwood thread at AVS to see if there's any mention either way. Worst case, if it ends up that Sherwood/Outlaw can't do 9.1 out, then hopefully they'll at least allow for 5.1+back or 5.1+height. Options are always helpful.
As you say, short of somebody like Lexicon adding support to the MC-12 (which has the advantage of significant flexibility in output channels), it may be a while before we see 9.1 hardware available to support PLIIz and rear surrounds simultaneously.
Unfortunately, Lex never activated the two "AUX" channels on the MC-12. I doubt they will, considering it's an 8-year-old platform and they're probably concentrating on its replacement.